Map is communication
Four elements in Communication
Types of Maps
Reference Maps
General purpose maps
Emphasize physical environment
Thematic Maps
Maps focusing on a particular topic that is tied to location rather than solely location
Choropleth - Quantitative -> Graduated or different colors to show different values
Choropleth - Qualitative -> Different colors represent different classifications
Flow Maps
Arrows show ...
Spatial Analysis
What is Spatial Analysis?
A geographical analysis which seeks to explain patterns of human behavior and their spatial expression in terms of mathematics and geometry
The study of “regularities in the spatial distribution of economic activity, populations, land use, and other dimensions of human activity”
Location is Key
A hugely important determinant of the quality and characteristics of something - an event, a building - is the location
Being able to identify and an ...
Parallel Processing
Algorithmic Complexity
Linear complexity
Polynomial complexity
exponential complexity
Processing Data with a Divide-and-Conquer Strategy
A Divide-and-Conquer Strategy
Requires that each piece is independent of the others
Speedup with Parallel Processing
S=TimeSequentialTimeParallelS = \frac{TimeSequential}{TimeParallel}
Critical Path
A critical path in a computation consists of consecutive steps that are interdependent and therefore not ...
Types pf statistical tests
Systematic and unsystematic
Reproducible and consistent
Has an underlying cause (experimental variable)
Random and unpredictable
Also known as error
IVs and DVs
IV: Independent Variable
Variable that you think causes the effect on another variable
Variable that is manipulated in an experiment
DV: Dependent Variable
The outcome variable
Variable measured in an experiment
Types of AB Testing
Participants assign ...
UX / UI and AB Testing
UX / UI Design
UX Honeycomb
AB Testing
What is AB testing (bucket tests or split-run testing)
If you want draw a conclusion about difference between two conditions
You can’t randomly assign gender to people (because they have self-identified gender already), so woman and man have difference in X is not a AB testing.
Randomized control trial or experiment with two levels: A and B
Used to test the impact ...
What is Global Navigation Satellite Systems
A GNSS is a network of satellites and supporting systems that provide locational data for geolocation
The modern tool for answering the question: Where Am I?
Global Positioning System
GPS is the American GNSS:
First operational GNSS - first satellite launched in 1978
Created for the military but available to civilians
Selective Availability
Only lower resolution available to citizens until 2000/2001
Military could limit availability as neede ...
Natural Language Processing for Social Media
Social Media Data
Source of social media data
Collection, pre-processing, and analysis of Social Media Data
Data Collection
Pre-processing social media data
Natural Language Processing tools
Normalizers, chunkers and parsers, tokenizers
Part-of-speech taggers
Language and dialect identification
Automatic summarizing
Using specific NLP tools or re-training NLP tools for social media texts
Existing NLP tools for English
Map Projections: From 3D to 2d
Map Projection = Mathematical Operation
Map projection is a mathematical operation that transforms the surface of a 3D ellipsoid to a 2D surface
The mathematical operation used for a particular projection is chosen based on the parameters
Process (Georeferencing, then Projecting)
A two-step process transforms the real world to a map projection:
A chosen coordinate system is used to locate real-world features onto the ellipsoid
The surface of the ellipsoid is ...
Thinking Geospatially
Help computer understand what we need!
Geospatial Data Concepts
Geospatial Data
Location and geometry
Attribute Data
Information describing the spatial objecets/features
Cartographic Data
Symbology and arrangement of the representations
Reference frameworks
Datums, projections
Data Acquisition Systems
Surveying, GPS
Data Models
Raster, Vector
Functional Models
Information Dissemination
Visualization, Cartography, Human Interpretati ...
Land Use and Mapping Population
Definition of Land Tenure
In simple terms, land tenure systems determine who can use what resources, for how long, and under what conditions.
Categories of Land Tenure
Private : Held by a private party, which could be an individual, corporate body, married couple, etc.
Communal: Held by a community in which each member has the right to independently use land
Open access: No right are assigned to anyone and no one can be excluded
State: A governmental or other ...